Dave Clark
Recorded by the Speer Family. It was somewhere around 1984 that the Speers did music for a revival service that Rev. Lenny Wisehart was preaching at Grace Church of the Nazarene in Nashville, TN. One the lines in his sermon said, The Lord can't pour through an empty vessel. I couldn't get that line out of my mind. Playing in churches four or five nights a week was taking its toll and I knew he was talking straight to me,
As I have so many times through the years, I picked up a pen and tried to reason it out on a piece of paper. I knew the vessel was dry. This song was an important piece on my journey back. I thought maybe what God wanted was just one more song. The Lord didn't let me off the hook that easily. It was a short time later, I resigned from a job I loved in order to pursue the more specific call of writing full-time.