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Dave Clark / Don Koch / Keith Dudley

Recorded by Keith Dudley and co-written with Keith Dudley and Don Koch. Back in 1994 the Benson Company signed an artist named Keith Dudley. I'm still not quite sure why but they only ended up doing one record on him. The result was a project called "Talk About It" which to this day remains one my all time favorite records.


A phenomenal singer who seemed to also be a fountain of great ideas for songs. Of the four that I was blessed to be a part of this project, this one was my favorite. Through the years I haven't written many songs about heaven. The reason is fairly simple... It's hard to write about something I have yet to experience. This song was the exception. The second verse says: Once my eyes behold all that I've believed in. Once I touch those hands scarred from my redemption. Once the veil is finally lifted and all Your glory displayed, even mansions built on streets of gold, could never turn my heart away.


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